Join our Workshop

Frustrated with fee rates?

❌ Are you fed up with all the conversations about what to charge?

❌ Are you spending lots of time figuring it out for each consulting job?

❌ Are you saying yes to work do for a fee rate that is well below what you need?

In this workshop you will learn the key steps you need to navigate your fee rate.

This will help you thrive, not just survive as an independent consultant in international development and the social impact sector.

Come and join other consultants like you to

✅ Check your money mindset.

✅ Learn how to set your parameters.

✅ Get clarity on your fee rate.

We give you all the tools and techniques you need!

Learn the exact 4 step process that we use. And sort out your fee rate once and for all.

You will walk away with a step-by-step system that you will use daily within your consulting practice.

You will be able to craft a fee rate that works for you and allows you to negotiate with confidence.


10 spaces available, 23rd May, 2024, 15.30 -17.30 GMT/ London

Workshop Cost: GBP139

This workshop will not be recorded.

Live Workshop

May 23, 2024
3:30pm Greenwich Mean Time


  • Free Fee Rate Tool download
  • Free Fee Rate Workbook download
  • Q&A

"I would absolutely recommend this workshop to others. It's a generative and supportive space to candidly discuss and gain insight on one of the hardest things about consulting, the fee rate. Janet and Helen thoughtfully and effectively led us through thinking about some of our assumptions, provided new perspectives, and shared concrete tools to carry the work of the workshop forward in our own practices. My understanding of how to set a fee rate was completely changed and my ideas about asking for the money I deserve were challenged in a productive way" Mollie, March 2022

Helen Merati

I have worked in international health development since 2004. I worked in a consulting firm for 10 years supporting, managing, and contributing to consultancies in health systems strengthening, SRMNCH, HIV, and more. I then moved to the NHS aiming to understand better the realities of working within a health system. I learned a lot.

In 2016 I took the independent consulting plunge to allow me the flexibility to be a more present parent. And it was the best decision I ever made.

As well as working as a consultant, I want to support other women to grow their practice. The Women's Consulting Workshop makes that a reality.

Janet Whitelaw-Jones

I have worked in international development since 1995. My focus is organisational development. My first role was as a Project Manager with an NGO in Armenia. I worked in a variety of countries and roles until I moved to work with a consulting firm in 2001.

In 2016 I started out on my own as an independent consultant. It was precarious. And felt scary. More than anything I wanted to chat with other women who were doing the same thing.

The Women's Consulting Workshop provides that space.

Helen and I set up Turas Partners in 2020. This is where you can find out more about our consulting work.

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