Dive deep and get clarity with a Strategy Session

Get the consulting life you want.

❌ Are you bidding on lots of work and not winning any?

❌ Are you spending lots of time reading through RFPs and just applying for whatever comes across your desk?

❌ Are you saying yes all the time to work you really don't want to do?

❌ Do you feel you are always chasing yourself, looking for work at the same time as doing the work?

❌ Are you exhausted with consulting already?

We know these feelings well and it can be so overwhelming. We hear you!

In the 90 minute Strategy Session you will learn the key steps you need to take to get the consulting life you want. You can only get the consulting life you want if you have a clear Consulting Strategy. Without a clear Consulting Strategy your practice will feel like it is ALL over the place.

This focused session will help you design the life you want as an independent consultant. You will:

✅ get clarity on the purpose of your consulting practice

✅ learn how to articulate your offer

✅ learn how to find your ideal clients

You will walk away with a step-by-step process that you will use regularly within your consulting practice, to ensure you are going in the right direction.


Individual sessions available to book.

May 17, 2024
4:08pm Greenwich Mean Time

Helen Merati

I have worked in international health development since 2004. I worked in a consulting firm for 10 years supporting, managing, and contributing to consultancies in health systems strengthening, SRMNCH, HIV, and more. I then moved to the NHS aiming to understand better the realities of working within a health system. I learned a lot.

In 2016 I took the independent consulting plunge to allow me the flexibility to be a more present parent. And it was the best decision I ever made.

As well as working as a consultant, I want to support other women to grow their practice. The Women's Consulting Workshop makes that a reality.

Janet Whitelaw-Jones

I have worked in international development since 1995. My focus is organisational development. My first role was as a Project Manager with an NGO in Armenia. I worked in a variety of countries and roles until I moved to work with a consulting firm in 2001.

In 2016 I started out on my own as an independent consultant. It was precarious. And felt scary. More than anything I wanted to chat with other women who were doing the same thing.

The Women's Consulting Workshop provides that space.

Helen and I set up Turas Partners in 2020. This is where you can find out more about our consulting work.

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